Buying property in Costa Rica through a corporation? ☎️ Incorporations.
Should expats buy property in Costa Rica through a Corporation? ☎️ Incorporations. If you’re a foreigner considering purchasing property in Costa Rica, you might question whether creating a corporation as your buying entity is necessary or advantageous. It’s a common query among expats weighing the benefits against the costs. Owning land in
Alimony and child support in Costa Rica. ☎️ Alimentary pension.
Alimony and child support in Costa Rica ☎️ Pension alimentaria. In Costa Rica, alimony and child support are essential for supporting families going through separation or divorce. Alimony, known as “pension alimentaria” in Spanish, provides economic support to spouses with financial dependence, helping them maintain the standard of living they
The prenuptial agreement in Costa Rica. ☎️ Legal requirements.
The prenuptial agreement in Costa Rica ☎️ Family law firm. Is there such a thing as a prenup agreement in Costa Rica? There sure is! Prenups are regulated by article 37 of the Costa Rican Family Code. As a family attorney, I highly recommend prenup and postnuptial agreements. Prenuptial agreements,
Credito de Hipoteca en Costa Rica. ☎️ Prestamos, financiamiento.
Credito de hipoteca en Costa Rica ☎️ Prestamos, financiamiento. El contrato de préstamo hipotecario en Costa Rica, es una forma común de financiamiento. Por lo general, este tipo de préstamo mercantil, es dado por los Bancos, ya que la hipoteca siempre se establece sobre bienes inmuebles o propiedades. Por lo
Escrow. ☎️ A security for transactions in Costa Rica.
Escrow in Costa Rica. ☎️ A tool for transactions in Costa Rica. Escrow in Costa Rica is a way to do property transactions securely. The escrow account secures the funds since they are released until the land purchase occurs. This guarantees a secure transaction. It can also be used to
Transfer costs in Costa Rica. ☎️ Property sale costs and fees.
Costa Rica real estate. ☎️ Property transfer costs and legal fees. Knowing your transaction’s property transfer costs and legal fees is necessary before real estate closings. Let us assume that due diligence is done and the property transaction is finally signed before the notary public. He will need to register the asset,